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Purim Carnival

Sunday, March 2, 2025 2 Adar 5785

11:30 AM - 1:00 PMTemple Emanu-El

Celebrate Purim with food, friends, and fabulous family fun at Temple Emanu-El. Admission, bouncy castles, games, music and fun galore are FREE for Temple Emanu-El and CJLL members (and only $20 early-bird / $30 regular price for an entire non-member family - register below).

Please bring money to purchase fun carnival food and delicious baked goods from our Nosh Squad.

10:30 am • Sensory Friendly Carnival
11:30 am • General Admission
In-Person only • All are welcome

Did we mention... we have bouncy castles, crafts, music, and more waiting for you. See you there!

FOOD DRIVE: Help support those in need by bringing a kosher for Passover non-perishable food item for the National Council of Jewish Women. 

Last-minute updates to our schedule due to inclement weather or other factors are HERE.


Check out more Temple Emanu-El Family Fun HERE.

Registration for Non-Members

NO REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for Temple Emanu-El members or our CJLL (Sunday school) families. Other families, please register below. Thank you for helping to cover the cost of our program. Note: You do not need to be logged in to register, use the "Enter Your Details" section on the right.




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  Earlybird rate ends 02/23/2025 05:00:00 PM
Total $
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Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785