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Adult Education Programs

Adult Education at Temple Emanu-El presents a myriad of programs for adults throughout the week. Check the monthly calendar on this web site for dates and times or call the office for detailed information (416-449-3880).

In addition, ongoing learning opportunities include:

  • Shabbat Learning - Discuss, debate and dispute - everyone and all perspectives welcome!  No prior Torah study required. Shabbat (Saturday) mornings, 9:00 am October - June.
  • Introduction to Hebrew - Adult Hebrew:  Join our fun and effective introductory Hebrew classes, designed for adult learners with or without any prior Hebrew studies.  These small classes focus on siddur (prayer book) Hebrew and serve to increase Shabbat service familiarity. Scheduled on an on-going basis (Wednesday mornings, online via Zoom).
    Non-members, please email for course fee information.
  • Torah Chanting and Service Honours - Learn how to chant Torah or to be comfortable accepting any honour in our service (such as a Torah aliyah or chanting the Haftarah blessings) in small classes. Contact Cantor Judy Adelman Gershon for more information ( Click here to hear audio of our Torah & Haftarah blessings.

2024-25 Programs

Books & Biscotti is Temple Emanu-El's renowned book review lecture series. 
Approximately once a month, over 100 people meet on Zoom, or at Temple Emanu-El (when scheduled to be in-person) to listen to one of our experienced, brilliant reviewers discuss, critique and analyze best selling pieces of literature. 
Most reviews are accompanied by a resource packet, provided by the reviewer, and often offer a Q&A session at the conclusion of the lecture.

Our reviewers include Elaine Newton, Cathy Tile, Tina Urman, and Dr. Janna Nadler.

Our 2024-25 Fall-Winter book review lineup is here! 
Our September review will be offered in-person or online.
November, December & January reviews will only be held online via Zoom.
Registration is required.

Please register for each review separately.
Thursdays 1:00 - 2:30 pm (Eastern)
The Zoom room will open at 12:15 pm (on days we offer in-person, Temple Emanu-El doors will open at 12:00pm)
*Zoom link will be emailed to all participants upon successful registration. If you are not feeling well on the day of an in-person review, please stay home and join us online.

Temple Members: Free; Non-Members: $15 for online and pre-registered guests
At the door: $20 cash-only for the September in-person lecture (if you plan to pay $20 cash at the door, pre-registration is not available)


If you have any questions, please contact Carli Portman at or leave a message at 416-449-3880 ext. 215; your call will be returned within one business day.
Books & Biscotti is made possible by the leadership of Temple Emanu-El members,
Lisa Freed and Gail Shapira.
We thank them for developing this incredible program over 11 years ago and appreciate their continued dedication to our book club. 



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Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785