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Social Action

Social Action has always been an important pillar of Temple life.

The Social Action Committee is a group of active individuals who work to provide programming opportunities in areas of political advocacy, community involvement and volunteerism. We bring issues of Tikkun Olam forward for consideration and invite the congregation to participate in a variety of meaningful projects throughout the year. Members are invited to join our committee or take part in any particular project in which they may have an interest.
Temple Emanu-El 50th Anniversary Retrospective

For further information contact Nina Diamond and Lee Weisser.



Brit Olam - Covenant with our World

Pirkei Avot: “Study alone is not enough; our tradition demands action.”

Temple Emanu-El is the first Canadian congregation to become part of a North American network of Reform congregations dedicated to a world of compassion and justice through acting together on issues of moral urgency.

Signing on to this network allows us to publicly reaffirm our commitment to meaningful social justice work, grounded in our sacred and enduring Jewish values.


Our Virtual Programming

During the COVID-19 crisis, our Social Action Committee has been busy connecting our members to issues of vital interest to our community and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).  For upcoming events, see our Temple Emanu-El Calendar, featured programs on the front page of this web site, or our Temple Emanu-El newsletter. If you would like to receive our newsletter but you are not a member, please contact us

Learn about a recent "Lunch and Learn" program HERE and watch a recording of the program if you missed it:

Upcoming / Recent Initiatives

52 Weeks of Food

Temple Emanu-El is helping to fight the ongoing crisis of food insecurity in Jewish Toronto. Read more HERE.



Preparing a Meal for Out of the Cold

Sunday, Nov 12, 2023

Fun and Frolic in our New Kitchen

Steve Gauley, Karen Tabachnik, Ruth Nissan, Ruth Sutton and Adrian Herscovici

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped our efforts to provide a meal for the Out of the Cold program at Temple Har Zion.
Cooks: Adrian Herscovici, Ruth Nissan, Ruth Sutton, Lee Weisser
Clean-up: Steve Gauley
Bakers: Liz Woods, Bev Reisman, Ana Sztabinski, Lee Weisser
Organizer: Nina Diamond
Drivers: Nina Diamond and Karen Tabachnik

To help offset the costs of this program (ingredients, etc.) and other programs like it, please click HERE to make a tax-deductible donation to "Social Action".

Jan 2024 Update

We received a hearty thank you from Temple Har Zion for our contribution to their Community Dinners of a shepherd's pie meal for 80 people. Hats off to all who helped! Click image to see larger.

Temple Emanu-El Welcome Circle Spring 2024

Help Support an Israeli Family new to Canada!


Itzhak, Amalia and their four children arrived in Canada shortly after October 7. Having lived in a tight-knit community on a kibbutz in northern Israel, it’s been a big adjustment for them to be in Newmarket without a built-in network.

Itzhak owned his own construction business in Israel and Amalia was a certified Early Childhood Educator. They were not allowed to work during their first few months in Canada, so there has been a huge financial strain.

Amalia has recently found work teaching Hebrew at the Schwartz Reisman JCC. Itzhak is looking for work as a plumber.

They want to stay in Canada and make a contribution to the community.

You can help them get started!


How can you help?

  1. Monetary Donations: If you can help, please contact Lee Weisser at or
    647-502-7123. Unfortunately, tax receipts cannot be issued
  2. Social outreach to help the family feel connected to the larger Jewish community. Contact Dina Krawitz at
  3. Networking help for a job for Itzhak. See his resume HERE.

Questions: Text Dina Krawitz at 416-602-7151 or email her at


Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785